Tuesday, December 28, 2010

California Fish and Game Commission pass final Southern California Marine Life Protected Areas

California Fish and Game Commission pass final Southern California Marine Life Protected Areas-San Diego News Room

NEW MARINE PROTECTED AREA: The mouth of the Tijuana River is newly designated as a State Marine Conservation Area by a recent vote by the California Fish and Game Commission.
"Dr. Serge Dedina, WiLDCOAST executive director, said the designation of the coastal and marine region at the mouth of the Tijuana River as an MPA is a significant step in its efforts to protect the ecological and economic values of our natural resources. He said WiLDCOAST recently stopped a $75-million Army Corps dredging project that would have destroyed the reef and used its nomination as an MPA to justify its efforts.

“Thirty years after standing in front of bulldozers to stop the destruction of the Tijuana Estuary, I surf the offshore reefs of the federally protected estuary and recently declared marine protected area,” he said. “It was only until the MPA process that this amazing reef—home to our resident pod of bottlenose dolphins and probably the most important leopard shark spawning sight in Southern California—was officially recognized as a real ecosystem.”"

Friday, December 24, 2010

American Coot at the J Street Marsh

J Street Marsh-After days of torrential rainfall in San Diego an American Coot swims through an oily, sudsy film from days of inland runoff.

Photos-Albert H. Fulcher

Monday, December 20, 2010